100% pass rate exam success
Our year 7, 8 and 9 students are celebrating following every student passing their LAMDA ‘Speaking in Public’ examinations. This is the second year in a row where the students have achieved a 100% pass rate.
Over 75% achieved Merit or above, with over 20% gaining the highest Distinction award.
As part of the exams, students each gave a prepared speech about a book, an experience or an object. They then discussed other interests with LAMDA's visiting examiner.
College Principal, Nick Goodman, said, "It is unusual for schools to offer public speaking examinations for every student as part of their core English curriculum. It confirms our commitment to improving our students' communication skills. These brilliant results, which are comparable with those achieved by students in main-stream independent schools, demonstrate the outstanding progress made by our students."
Vice Principal, Gregoire Godin, said, "Many of our students join us following damaging educational experiences. With our small classes, expert teachers and individualised work, we quickly build their self-esteem. Achieving accredited public speaking exams reveals our students' self-confidence. We are building independent and resilient young people, who will be able to play an active role in the world."